Genomics and functions of host-microbiome systems


Institute of Clinical Molecular Biology (IKMB), Genetics & Bioinformatics department. Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel & University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

Research description

My research aims to advance knowledge, develop new theories, and create bioinformatic tools to investigate host-microbe systems. I am investigating how bacterial genomes, bacterial functions and host-microbe interactions change in health vs disease and during human evolution. In this context, I am particularly dedicated to identifying actionable features in host-associated microbiomes that can be used to improve human health.

Prof. Groussin co-created the Global Microbiome Conservancy (GMbC) consortium and recruited a large worldwide cohort of human populations that have highly differentiated genetic backgrounds, diets, and lifestyles (ranging from hunter-gatherer to urban). He collected and biobanked various biospecimens, and generated human and microbiome multi-omics data. His research group is currently leveraging this unique resource, augmented by samples and data from clinical cohorts of microbiome-associated chronic diseases, to lead cutting-edge computational studies of the human microbiome, which we pair with functional and mechanistic validations.

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